ERO Reports
ERO regulalry conducts and publishes reveiws of schools across new Zealand. On this page you can find our most recent ERO reports.
From the ERO website:
The Education Review Office | Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga (ERO), are the New Zealand government’s external evaluation agency that informs and facilitates improvement in early learning services, kōhanga reo, puna kōhungahunga, kura and schools.
All institutional review reports are based on independently sourced and verifiable information, including the voices of tamariki and the parent community where ERO receives a request to meet with them. Reports are publicly available for use by other government agencies, pre-tertiary education institutions, parents, and caregivers. Reviews of schools are focused on continuous improvement through strengthening the capability of schools in identifying priority areas for improvement, including the effectiveness of engagement with whānau, Iwi and the wider communities. Reviews in early learning services are focused on accountability (including compliance with regulatory requirements), education improvement, and knowledge generation (where education is translated into achievement).
In its reviews, ERO considers the particular setting of the learner:
Māori medium — Kura Kaupapa Māori, Ngā Kura a Iwi, Ngā Kohanga Reo, Ngā Puna Reo; and other Māori immersion early learning services.
English-medium — all state and state integrated schools and kura; and all centre-based, home-based and hospital-based early childhood services.
Pacific-medium — all state and state integrated schools and kura, and all centre-based, home-based and hospital-based early childhood services.
Furthermore, ERO can and does conduct reviews of:
private and independent schools
schools and kura with international students
school hostels
new and merging schools’ readiness to open.
Recommendations from ERO’s review programme can be directed to Ministers of the Crown, other education agencies (such as the Ministry of Education or NZQA) or individual institutions and service providers.