Gareth Gilmour: Principal
From the Principal
Tena Koutou,
Ko wai au, e tu mai nei?
Ko Ruapehu te maunga,
Ko Whanganui te awa,
Nō Taumarunui ahau
Kei Matamata ahau e noho ana, ināianei
Ko Tumuaki o te kura o Amisfield
Ko Gilmour taku Whanau
Ko Gareth Ahau
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa
Welcome to Amisfield School, the best little school in Tokoroa! My name is Gareth Gilmour and I have had the privilege of being the Principal at Amisfield School since 2020.
I love working in education and my career spans over 16 years. During that time I have worked with almost every year level from Year 1 to Year 10. It is my passion to support others to succeed and now this means supporting staff and students to be their very best.
Amisfield School is such a great school, with a great mix of rural feel but being close to Tokoroa's amenities. I am a big believer in providing learners with opportunities and learning that helps them to achieve their potential and at Amisfield School we are very well-resourced with the tools needed to do this.
So please come in and visit our great little school and see what we have to offer your Whānau.
Ngā mihi nui,
Gareth Gilmour, Principal