Tokoroa Kāhui Ako
Amisfield School is proud to be a member of the Tokoroa Kahui Ako. The Kāhui Ako, or Community of Learning is a group of schools working together to improve outcomes for all students.
Latest Kahui Ako work at Amisifield
Raukawa Histories
Several of our staff will be attending a hui at Te Awamutu to learn about the history of the area and Raukawa.
Poutama Pounamu
We are currently working with Poutama Pounamu to review our ability to teach using culturally responsive and mana-enhancing practices.
We are using the information our community provided in the Rongohia te Hau survey taken last year which surveyed whānau, students and teachers. This information is helping us make changes to our teaching and learning programmes and school culture.
Teacher Only Day
In February, Before School began the Kahui Ako held a Teacher only day at Forest View High School. Poutama Pounamu presented there and ran workshops exploring the impact of colonisation and the part it has had to play in Aotearoa's history.
Learning Support Co-Ordinators
As part of the Kahui Ako ,we have access to Learning Support Co-Ordinators. This newly created position involves working with schools to help address learning needs from across the Kāhui Ako schools. The first piece of work the Learning Support Co-Ordinators have undertaken is the development of a learning support register to identify trends and needs within our commuity.